About Us

Laiyue Metal Works Pvt Ltd

Laiyue Metal works is a subsidiary of AutolinkCNC, a leading CNC machine manufacturer for wire bending, wire forming and spring coiling. With its vast global network, we provide the best quality assurance and service guarantees. If you are looking for a CNC wire bender, don't hesitate to contact us through marketing@wirebendingmachinery.com. We will assist you with all the problems regarding wire bending to meet your industrial needs. As the leading CNC Wire bending manufacturing company, we ensure the best quality and service in the market. Looking forward to reaching out to more customers so that globally small and medium enterprises can afford world-class machines.

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wire bending machines

Pneumatic CNC Wire bending Machine with bending and other machining solutions such as welding, threading, chamfering etc., performed at it's best.

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Wire Forming Machines

Cam and Camless Wire Forming Machines with rotary to produce the best spring and Wire form solutions under hassle-free operation.

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Spring Coiling Machines

High speed and the high production rate for the spring coiling process to produce a variety of spring forms with a wide range of diameters and axes.

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wire bending machine
CNC Wire Bending Machines
CNC Wire Forming machines
wire forming machine
spring coiling machine
CNC Spring Coiling Machines


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Service & Repair

AutoLink service is available to you by phone and online. Our service engineers provide expert repair for out of warranty and repairs covered by AutoLink manufacturer warranties.

Most machinery defects happened due to low maintenance, improper installation, machine start up, etc. Our technical expert will provide a detailed report for service and offers comprehensive solutions for the machines via online/phone for repairing any defects in the Wire bender, wire former, and CNC spring-making machine

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